Welcome to our Marketplace Hub

The Market place hub contains information about our industry sponsors, individual professionals, and Organisations.

Industry Sponsors

Our industry sponsors are committed to helping us achieve our mission, aims and objectives by either sponsoring us financially or providing internship, apprenticeship, volunteering, and work experience opportunities. Their support contributes significantly to equipping the future workforce.

Professionals/Organisations (Helping professions/Other)

This area lists individual professionals and Organisations providing services that can contribute to supporting people from Black and minority ethnic (BME) and other communities. This is a single point of access of services that can support the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of people from Black and minority ethnic communities and other communities.

All professionals/organisations listed here have undergone our minimum due diligence test and so have been reasonably verified.


Please note that activities of professionals/Organisations listed in our marketplace hub are external to One2OneMentoring Network activities. The Network does not influence fees charged, nor are we responsible for any negotiations or outcome of negotiations with any professional/organisation listed in the marketplace resource area.

If you are interested in being listed as an industry sponsor or professional/Organisation in the marketplace hub, please go to the ‘contact us’ page and select ‘interested in your marketplace hub’.

Alternatively, you can contact us at info@one2onementoring.com

What we are passionate about

Enabling a pathway of success to promote self-improvement, self-fulfilment, and empowerment in people of African and African-Caribbean origin including other minority ethnic groups.

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